Drought resistant


Prairie or rock gardens and the like will benefit from these plant selections; not only environmentally focused.

Eryngium yuccifolium

Eryngium is an under estimated plant which is actually a true treasure in the garden. This Eryngium has beautiful sword shaped leaves which shoots out a beautiful nice ball shaped grey flowers giving an excellent structure form in the garden later on in the year.

Anthirrhinum majus 'Oh That's Cute'®

This plant loves the drought for surviving a winter, which isn’t colder as -8 degrees Celsius. With pink flowers with a yellow center flowering from late April onwards throughout the summer if deadheaded. It is a really nice compact flowering plant giving you lots of joy.

Salvia greggi 'Amethyst Lips'®

A true beauty. Salvia greggi is giving an excellent smell and what a flower show. This one has beautiful purple/white bicolored flowers flowering from June until the late autumn.

Pervoskia atr. 'Blue Jean Baby'®

Pervoskia are already long known but lots of them tips over during their flowering period. This true compact one isn’t doing this so it will give you a lot of joy throughout the year.

Easy care

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Specialty plants

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Blooming varieties

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Colours that captivate & enchant...

Breathtaking dark blue

Veronica long. 'Marietta'®

A quite beauty in nude

Anemone rupicola 'Frilly Knickers'®

A cup of sweetness

Paeonia 'Celebrity'

Cool fires

Crocosmia 'Orange Pekoe'®

50 shades of pink

Achillea mill. 'Crazy Little Thing'®

Beezing purple

Allium 'Serendipity’®