About Rijnbeek
Our nursery started originally supplying trees only in 1914, back then led by Arno’s great-grandfather Antoon. However, in 1939 we switched over to perennials and have had our steady focus on those ever since.
In 1976 Arno’s father, Nico, moved locations to what you can see today at our main address on the Reijerskoop, in Boskoop.
We have grown over the last 80 years from a small nursery supplying locally, then regionally, then nationally to what we are today: an established internationally known and respected name in the industry.
Since 2011 Arno has been heading the company as owner and director. His love, knowledge and dedication for the business continue to make it a success.
He shares his passion for perennials with his strong and experienced team of around 40 plant crazy people. Together we want to deliver the best perennials to our clients worldwide.
Rijnbeek Perennials holds a long tradition in quality plants, a zealous approach to execution and broad botanical expertise.

Wil jij ons helpen de mooiste planten voor onze klanten te kweken en te promoten?
We want you!
Have a look at our 80th anniversary video

Erkend stagebedrijf bij BB-beroepsonderwijs
Erkend stagebedrijf BB-beroepsonderwijs
SBB is een professionele organisatie in het hart van het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs en het bedrijfsleven.
Studenten zoeken de beste praktijkopleiding met uitzicht op een baan. Bedrijven hebben nu en in de toekomst de behoefte aan vakmensen.
Samen met Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB) bieden wij de volgende opleidingsplaatsen aan:
– Medewerker teelt
– Vakbekwaam medewerker agrohandel en logistiek
– Vak expert teelt en groene technologie
– Office assistent
– Management assistent
Better together
We believe in the power of Business collaborations and are proud to be the part of the following unions and associations: