Phlox ‘Olympus’
Best novelty of Plantarium/Groen-Direkt 2022.

Phlox ‘Olympus’® has been judged by the jury of the KVBC as best novelty of Plantarium/Groen-Direkt 2022. Rijnbeek perennials is very honored and pleased that the Jury of the KVBC has made their choice for this amazing Phlox.
Phlox ‘Olympus’® is part of the Phlox paniculata group, but has some very unique points within this group.
Without a doubt are the variegated leaves catching the eye, but what is extra eye catching and truly unique is that young leaves are strong pink till almost red. These characteristics makes it that plant is already very attractive before its flowering time. Because of this Phlox ‘Olympus’® shall give the end-user not only joy during its flowering time but also in the months before. This is giving the whole supply chain possibilities and flexibility because there is no one moment of sale but a much long selling window.
Add to the variegated leaves and strong pink growing tips the attractive lila pink flower color and it is clear that the Phlox ‘Olympus’® with her height of approx. 70cm is an eyecatcher in every garden, on every patio, terrace or deck.
Next to the unique visual aspects, Phlox ‘Olympus’® is also a very strong plant which garanty years of gardening pleasure. As we all know is within the group of Phlox paniculata a strong sensitivity of mildew, however so far Phlox ‘Olympus’® has proven itself to be very strong and hasn’t showed almost no mildew.
Therefore this plant fits perfectly in the vision of Rijnbeek Perennials to grow her plants as sustainable as possible and bring them in cooperation with her partners to the end user and to make them happy with its plants.
In every aspect we at Rijnbeek Perennials find Phlox ‘Olympus’® a true addition to the Phlox assortment and deserved winner of 2022.
Don’t hesitate to order your Phlox ‘Olympus’® now with Rijnbeek perennials and make sure you’ll have them in your assortment to make your customers happy. Phlox ‘Olympus’® is now available in 2 liter pots and as bareroot plugs. This coming winter there will be bareroot plants and liners available.
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